They say that diamonds are a friend of the best, but we assume that the claim is true only after the poor girl has been jilted several times and received his for the time being just another broken heart. This could lead to stress release through therapy for sale at retail, but how many diamonds can one actually before allow scraping the bottom of the barrel financial? Why not settle for something much more affordable - but also engaging and mesmerizing as a diamond (to look at anyway), which takes the form of the FIJIT friends?
This £ 54.99 pre-order are adorable to look at, where it has some rather realistic skin which can be "overwritten" If you wish and friends FIJIT will even dance any melody that reaches the "ears". Not only that they can perform their own songs, make a joke and even discuss with you to help you to hunt the Monday blues. Zut, they might be more sensitive than Fido with the capacity to respond intuitively to your voice, claiming the intelligence for more than 30 commands to identify and respond with more than 150 words.
Best of all is? You can close the FIJIT when it receives too much yappy, which cannot be said of your best pal or her husband.