The release of the social platform BlackBerry ? Messenger (BBM ?) opens a gigantic world of possibilities for application developers. While some are obvious, such as allowing your users to chat with each other, others can be a bit more delicate. This is the first of a series that will talk about how you can easily add social features to your application using the BBM social platform. And there is no better time to update your app! 2011 BlackBerry developers challenge is on and comments on the most addictive social app using category BBM ? social platform will open later this summer.
One of the biggest benefits of the social platform enables developers to BBM access huge social graph by users. Often, friends and place a much greater level of confidence in each other's proposals compared with anonymous reviews and ads. The social platform, leveraging BBM this ability to expand your reach and increase your user base is so simple, that I will prove even here.
While you may or may not want to add social features to your app, there is one feature that will surely be applying any app: feature "" invite to download. This feature is so easy to implement – and can have such a great impact on the app reaches and downloads – that there is really no reason not to take advantage. The idea is simple: the developer adds a button or menu item, the app that allows the user to invite a friend from the BBM to download the application. The user, find the app very pleasure or utility, decides that this app needs to be shared and selects the option "Invite to download". Once you have selected, a list of users from the user list shows the BBM. After selecting a user, the rest is out of their hands (and yours) and the platform is turned off, and presents user dutifully invited with a message that their friend would like to download an application. Most importantly, provide a link that will take the user directly to the app in BlackBerry App world ? for a quick and easy download.
What does the inviter:
What does the guest:
All you need to do to enable this feature is to invoke the following code in Java ? or BlackBerry ? WebWorks ?:
MessagingService messagingService = platformContext. getMessagingService ();
messagingService. sendDownloadInvitation ();
BlackBerry WebWorks
var result = blackberry bbm. Sparky platform.. inviteToDownload (onComplete);
The first line of Java code is just a call to a platform to get a reference to the messaging service, and shall not be required when implementing the BlacKBerry WebWorks. The methods sendDownloadInvitation () and inviteToDownload () is where the magic happens. The platform will automatically show the user a contact selector UI field is filled in with the BBM contacts that do not have the app already installed. The user can select a contact or cancel if the changed opinion, regardless of how, control is returned to your app as soon as the user makes a selection. This method should always be called in response to a request of this user to invite their contacts to download your application.
Be sure to check out the article how to – call KB contacts to download your application using the social platform for Java and BBM WebWorks for more information and register for upcoming our three-part series webcast "Integration with social platform BBM, one step at a time", which will be taking calls and more. Will follow up this blog post the corresponding webcast with two more webcasts covering user profiles and built-in chat using the BBM social platform. See details below for more information and register today!
Integration with the social platform BBM, one step at a time
Step 1: Viral distribution and BBM contacts list
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Time: 2: 00 PM EST/11: 00 AM PST
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Integration with the social platform BBM, one step at a time
Step 2: user profiles and custom profiles
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2011
Time: 2: 00 PM EST/11: 00 AM PST
Register at:
Integration with the social platform BBM, one step at a time
Step 3: BBM Chat and Chat integration within your App
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Time: 2: 00 PM EST/11: 00 AM PST
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